
Monday, February 17, 2014

Welcome New Friends

Brooklyn and Fidget
Boss making new friends at the "Nuttcracker."

We love making new friends! I also love seeing that people are visiting my blog, which is just a fun way for me to share ideas and of course puppy pictures. Since I have noticed the ticker keeps increasing I wanted to share a few things about Sassy School Counselor with my new readers.

5 Things You Should Know About Me:

Brooklyn hard at work in my office.
1) I have horrific grammar. English was my worst subject from elementary school through college, and it looks like things aren't changing. I started this blog as a fun way to share ideas I have had and the ideas I have begged for, borrowed, and stolen. It's also a fun way for me to write about what I am doing, so in many ways it's like a journal for me. Thus I tend to write my blog entries as if they were my journal entries, which means bad spelling and poor grammar. Worse I have moved away from the amazing E.S. (my former music teacher) who also assisted as a personal editor. So sorry in advance for the spelling and grammar mistakes!

Meeting new friends.

2) Much to the dismay of my friends I often compare working with my students to dog training. The comparison of my baby Brooklyn to our sweet Kindergartners has lead to many a head shake, but I just can't help it. For starters having a dog reminds me of having a toddler- they are always moving, they always need to go to the potty, and they are always learning how to treat others/follow the rules. I have spent hundreds of dollars in dog training and I want to put what I learned to good use. Most of all it connects for me. We are always looking for connections to make with our students and ways to make what we are saying relevant to their lives, and for me looking at a behavior/social problem the way I would look at working with my dog- well it just makes more sense. Please don't take the comparison personal.

Which way are we going?
3) I love finding fun new websites! I remember in the summer of 2010 I was sitting pool side and a friend of a friend said have you heard of this site "Pinterest".  At the time you needed an invitation to join and I thought "huh wonder what that's about." Less than a year later I was addicted. 
I hope will all follow me! (

4) If you haven't guessed it, I am slightly dog obsessed.
In 2012 I attended a school counseling conference where I heard a fellow counselor talk about "branding your program." The idea really stuck with me and since I had just gotten my first dog it just fit like puzzle pieces. I really love the idea of branding. Some of my favorite classrooms have fun themes and love the creativity behind them. so if you could create a theme what would yours be? 

Kissing Brutus, baby to our school librarian.

5) I read more children's books than I do adult books. No matter what school I have been at, I have always been friends with my school librarian. They are resourceful, wise, and always have the hook up to what should be on my bookshelf (or on the Kindle). At my last school I had amazing date nights at Barnes and Noble with my phenomenal librarian. I loved finding new books that weren't from the counseling magazines and that I could find in our library. Our love of books lead to a 6th grade book club, a parent book club, and many amazing other collaborations.  I have tried to keep a list of resources and my favorite books on my GoodReads page.
Awkward Family Photo

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