
Monday, August 6, 2012

Leaders Of Our Pack

And their off....

Today was a blur of a day- handing out 504 plans, reviewing behavior plans with new teachers, cleaning my room, setting up a new parent library and getting those bulletin boards started.

This year I am so excited that my Student Council and BIONIC team have their own board. They will be "leaders of my pack." As I was creating my board (yes I know it's a bit crooked) I started thinking about whom would run this year and what qualities I wanted in my teams. What is a leader?

Brooklyn likes to lead. In fact when I walk with my dear friend Svarda she insists of being in front of the group. I joke that she is protecting us, but more likely she is like her momma- stubborn, bull headed, a go getter that wants it her way or no way. She leads with her head held high, sometimes pulling, but determined that we will be going the way she leads us. This is what I want in my students this year. Determined to achieve- to take our student body in the right direction.  These will be our leaders (or so I hope).

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