
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I'm going to need to see some documentation!

Documentation is without a doubt one area I always feel like I need to improve upon.

This year I am creating a small group binder, a individual binder, a parent involvement  binder,  behavior binder, etc. So today I set out making some consistant paper work to go in them.  Here's what I came up with and a new behavior plan I helped develop for the special area crew:

Small Group Log

Small Group Notes

My referral form

You can get them free on my TPT Store.
I also found this great link for tips on record keeping.

Also included in the packet are the forms I plan to use to help with a new behavior plan we are working on.

This summer I worked with my special area team to develop a new behavior plan and I included myself   not only for constancy when I teach my guidance lessons, but also so I can help track behavior. Behavior seems to be becoming more and more a part of my job, and I have noticed that we need a better way of monitoring behavior, esp. in special areas.

Here is our plan:

Each special area and counselor will have the same three general rules for their classroom.

            Be Respectful
            Be Responsible

            Be Safe

Here is the sign I created for my room. A generic version is also available on my TPT store:
Each teacher will decide what that specifically looks like in her room. We will create a way to display those specific details in each room. 

As positive reinforcement we will use the Class Dojo app. Each teacher will have this on their iPad for instant use during lessons. 

The app allows us to create classes and track individual student behavior. We are able to create specific behaviors we expect and behaviors that will be considered unacceptable. For example, for be safe we can create the specific acceptable behavior of walking in the library and the unacceptable behavior of running in the library.

As students demonstrate respectful, responsible, and safe behavior we can instantly assign them points. Students could earn multiple points during one 45 min. class period. Students can also loose point(s) for demonstrating unacceptable behaviors. They then get to use their points to shop in the store I am building in my new office. They can save up, buy several small items, it's totally up to them.

Should a student not follow the rules we have a 3-step discipline policy.

First offense- Student gets a verbal warning/correction and loss of 1 point.

Second offense- Student will loose another point (2 total). They will be removed from the activity and asked to complete a behavior reflection form. This form will be given to the classroom teacher for signature. After the teacher has signed the form it will be returned to me and I will collect the forms to be used during the monthly data meetings to track behavior during special area times.

Third offense- Student will loose another point (3 total). They will be removed from the activity and asked to complete a behavior reflection form. The special area teacher will also complete an office referral form and the student will be sent to the office for parent contact and an administrative decision if further discipline is necessary. The principal and myself can keep forms for use during the monthly data meeting to track behavior.

 How do you keep track of your notes? What is your classroom behavior plan or do you have a school wide plan?

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