
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

ASCA 15- what to present in the desert sun?

                                  Apparently I can't stop buzzing from my recent trip to Orlando.

take me back!

So I am brainstorming ideas to submit to present at next years conference, but I need help. Here are my Top 2 ideas- read, critique, give me feedback, tell me what you think (you get it):

1) It's A Zoo In Here

Animals are more than adorable puppies and grumpy kitties.  Animals provide students unique learning and therapeutic experiences. Learn how to corporate animals into your guidance curriculum lessons as well as using animal based interventions in your comprehensive school counseling program.

2) Social Skill Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder:

Autism now affects 1 in 88 children, which means as counselors we will at some point work with a student on the spectrum.  ASD students have deficits in social understanding which lead to a tremendous impact on the child’s success across all settings.  This session will highlight the social characteristics of students with autism spectrum disorders and present evidence-based interventions to address these social challenges.


  1. Sounds like animals is your passion. Me too- I have thee sleeping dogs beside me as I type. I'd like to learn more about how to incorporate animals into interventions and wonder if my district/school would be ok with it.

    1. Rebecca thanks for the feedback. I definitely love animals! I was blessed to have a principal that never questioned me bringing animals in, but as I was leaving the new counselor coming in made a stink about it. It broke my heart. I think it takes some advocacy on our parts to include them, but I could defiantly do my research to find out more out laws, etc. about including them.

  2. I think the animal one is the ticket especially since that is your passion! At my school I had a therapy dog that came in once a month and children signed up to read to her. It was such a great activity that I even wrote her in as a character in one of my children's books. You could actually incorporate some of the second topic in your talk as well. Lots of the children who visited with the therapy dog were special needs. They really loved it. Good luck on your proposal!

    1. Lynne Watts that's amazing. I would love to know more about how you started that program, problems you ran into, and more about your books!

  3. BTW, I'm sending free copies of my latest book to lots of school counselors. If you are interested, send me your school address and I'll get one in the mail to you before school starts. You can read about them on Amazon:
    Here's my email:
