
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cosmo Career Canine

I've seen this idea around, but I am finally trying it. This year I have a stuffed pup "Cosmo" who will be the 2nd grade "career canine." I picked up 4 Cosmo's at Walgreens last year for like $2 total. They were on clearance after Valentines maybe. Anyway I figured it would be a good way to test it out and I wouldn't be too heart broken if Cosmo never made it back to school.

How it works:
Each month I'll pick 1-4 students that have been nominated for outstanding character and let them take Cosmo home. While he visits with them for 2 weeks the students should journal about what he learns about their guardian(s) job(s). He can go to work with the parent/guardian and in each Cosmo bag will be sample interview questions for the parents about their career and  if applicable college education. 

Then when the student's return Cosmo I"ll copy a journal page and display it in the hallway and do a quick blurb on our morning announcements about the career he learned about. To get us started Cosmo spent the day with several of our staff members. 

Here is a quick intro to Cosmo along with interview questions for students. 


  1. Can you post a copy of the interview questions? I love this idea.

    1. Hello,
      Here are some interview questions you can use:

  2. I ended up using this packet I found on TPT:
