
Monday, September 28, 2015

SCALI 2015

What a day- I woke up sick, shattered my cell phone, got the time wrong due to a time change story that's legendary, went to the SCALI conference without my computer adaptor, didn't have a mic in my session and lost my voice, and ran out of handouts. Oh my!

However, I did have the best time in my break out session. What a wonderful group of counselor. We talked about collaborating with your school librarian/media specialist and connecting lessons to Common Core and ASCA Standards.

Here are the handouts and resources I shared:

Here is my Power Point:

Here is my brochure:

A lesson plan with standards for "The Invisible Boy":
Get the QQT game cards for the lesson here:

Parent Workshop ideas:

Wonderopolis- an amazing resource for non fiction and to enhance research:

Flocabulary - videos to boost your lessons:

Kahoot- and Plickers- for easy assessment tools

Get kids talking and sharing about books at

Need a lesson on friendship and tolerating differences? Check out: and follow it up with :

Want a fun problem solving lesson you can collaborate with your librarian on?

Use Anchor Charts to help review a books and meet CCSS:

Need an easy print out of CCSS and more ideas check out:

Check out my Scope and Sequence here and here.

One kind counselor in the session shared this new amazing resource for parents, teachers, and students.  Check out
It's an online reading community and it allows students to earn FREE books. Awesome.

Also, my friend Svarda insisted (and I am so glad she did) the TN Standards App. Download it and the ASCA model app for EASY access to standards that make lesson planning a breeze.

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