
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

September Lesson Plans

Finally getting around to sharing what I've been up to. What a school year!!

Here's what we are doing in our class in September. I'll upload my lesson plans to Google Drive and keep updating them there so check it out here.
K and 1st: Let's Listen

We started by reading Interrupting Chicken.  Then we practiced our skills by learning the chicken dance on Go Noodle.
Then we talked about all the body parts it takes to listen (eyes, ears, body, brain, etc).  We then met Howard B Wigglebottom who is also learning how to listen. After watching our story,
we practiced again by playing Freeze It on Go Noodle.
Follow up: We did a cut and paste activity about whole body listening.

2nd: Celebrating Our Differences (aka the awe lesson)

We started with the super cute Android video and students had to guess what we were talking about today.

Then we read A Friend Like You (you will get a lot off awe's hence the name).
After reading we created a list of questions we could ask people to get to know them better. The list was on the board for reference. I partnered the students and gave them a few minutes to talk. Then they created their own Venn Diagram about each other, using this great resource from Counselor Up!

3rd Grade: Three Ninja Pigs
We started by watching the Ormie the Pig and taking guesses about what the lesson was about. 

Next we read Three Ninja Pigs and each student created their own perseverance pig. Get the color page here

Next, we started the Mindset section of this awesome interactive notebook. We did as much as we could and some classes got to do more since I saw them twice.

4th Grade: How I Learn
We started by reading DogGone School. After reading, I went back to several pages (music, lunch, social studies pages, etc). I asked students to stand up if they liked learning that subject or that was a favorite part of their day.

Afterwards, we discussed how each student liked different things and how we are all different. Similarly, we all learn differently. We played Learning Styles Scoot to learn each student's learning style.

Afterwards each student got a color page of study tips based on their learning style. I got it from the interactive notebook.

5th Grade: Gotta Get Rid Of Gossip

First, we played a game or two of telephone. The first round I shared a story about my dogs and we passed it around. The second round I just gave them my shopping list. You could also do the toothpaste activity with this. Give one student or team 20 seconds to squeeze out as much toothpaste as they can. Then give them 40 seconds to put it all back in the tube.
After processing and discussing the game we read Mr. Peabody's Apples. I asked them to make connections between our story and the game we played.

After reading, we played Quiz Quiz Trade to talk about the story.

Follow up: we watch either of these videos and follow it up with a community building activity. My favorite are from Miss 5th! 

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