This is an adorable story of a cute puppy and his many feelings. I love that many of the situations in the story are not "dog specific." For example he has friends that moves away or get's scolded. For parents you are even able to customize the story with the child's name.

Price: Free

What's Next- Success in School
I played this game with my study buddies small group today. It was a fun way to end our last session. It's a Jeopardy style game that asks questions about writing, goal setting, study skills, and college. There is also a career version. Warnings: The answers are pretty easy because they give you some goofy choices. So after the question I asked one of my own about the question that had just been asked. We had a short discussion between questions so I could see if they really grasped it. Second, because some of the questions are goofy one referenced beer (we moved quickly past it and kept going so it wasn't a huge deal.)
Price: Free

This is a fun icebreaker that the girls of Greene County Schools told me about. I used it today in a small group for 3rd graders. Each student passed around the iPad and scanned her finger, read a tongue twister, and it told us her mood. The girls agreed it got it correct! I love that is ends with an open ended question about why they are feeling that way, it's a great "check in."
Price: Free

Price: Free
Emotions- last one, that I found on my iPad but can't seem to find it on the computer. Anyway, it's a very basic app that shows four real pictures of children and adults and says a feeling word. Students have to find the person that is having that feeling. I plan to use this one with my introduction lesson with K and then one on one with my students who need extra practice.
Price: Free
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